A Love That Lasts Forever: Galor-Joerger Wedding

In June, Kendell Galor celebrated her engagement to Jared Joerger with a beautiful, Kentucky Derby-themed bridal shower. In a ceremony uniting her two loves — horses, and Jared — months later, the two wed before an audience of friends and family at the scenic WHY Ranch in Las Vegas.

From the moment I walked into the room where Jared and his groomsmen were preparing for the big day, there was a noticeable confidence in the group, underscored by exuberant laughter and playful ribbing. Yet, the atmosphere was full of dichotomy: grown men, giddy as young boys; easygoing personalities at once stoic when attempting to figure out the labyrinthine technique to tie a tie.

Indeed, as a wedding unites two lovers as one, the day reconciled countless other dichotomies in a fascinatingly perfect way.

Wedding attendees were initially concerned by the unwelcome wind, poised to disrupt even the most securely-hairsprayed ‘dos. Yet, father-of-the-bride Oren Galor walked into the room with trademark charisma, and confidently told me: “I truly believe it’s going to be a beautiful day.” A few more stories and laughs and before long, it was time for the wedding ceremony.

You know the rest: the wind calmed down long enough for a beautiful ceremony to proceed undisturbed, and the two lovers made official what their friends expected to happen for years: a perfectly loving wedding between Jared and Kendell.

I suppose Kendell and Jared have their own, unique triple crown: horses, hockey, and a love that lasts forever.

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