Category Archives: equestrian

A Love That Lasts Forever: Galor-Joerger Wedding

In June, Kendell Galor celebrated her engagement to Jared Joerger with a beautiful, Kentucky Derby-themed bridal shower. In a ceremony uniting her two loves — horses, and Jared — months later, the two wed before an audience of friends and family at the scenic WHY Ranch in Las Vegas.

From the moment I walked into the room where Jared and his groomsmen were preparing for the big day, there was a noticeable confidence in the group, underscored by exuberant laughter and playful ribbing. Yet, the atmosphere was full of dichotomy: grown men, giddy as young boys; easygoing personalities at once stoic when attempting to figure out the labyrinthine technique to tie a tie.

Indeed, as a wedding unites two lovers as one, the day reconciled countless other dichotomies in a fascinatingly perfect way.

Wedding attendees were initially concerned by the unwelcome wind, poised to disrupt even the most securely-hairsprayed ‘dos. Yet, father-of-the-bride Oren Galor walked into the room with trademark charisma, and confidently told me: “I truly believe it’s going to be a beautiful day.” A few more stories and laughs and before long, it was time for the wedding ceremony.

You know the rest: the wind calmed down long enough for a beautiful ceremony to proceed undisturbed, and the two lovers made official what their friends expected to happen for years: a perfectly loving wedding between Jared and Kendell.

I suppose Kendell and Jared have their own, unique triple crown: horses, hockey, and a love that lasts forever.

Kendell Galor’s Bridal Shower

How do you define perfect? How do you measure love? Before Kendell Galor’s bridal shower — a loving, beautiful, supportive, energetic affair — these endeavors were impossible. Then, to see the look in Kendell’s eyes when she described her relationship with Jared, her reverence for her family, and her love of her horses, it was clear to me that perfection in the wonderfully-catered Galor household is equal parts love and respect, a heaping amount of communication, and a whole lot of admiration and support from family and friends. An innocuous comment to most actually stood out to me more than anything: she mentioned she wouldn’t trade Jared for hunky actor Chris Hemsworth because she “hit the jackpot” with Jared and the love and respect they share made her a lucky woman. Wow.

Some photos are simply breathtaking; others, the “blooper” reel photos, are just as endearing. Kendell Galor never once stopped smiling during the entirety of the night. Why would she? In my eyes, the love she shares with her partner, with her family, and with her horses, is absolutely perfect.